Friday, October 5, 2007

Thanks ... Giving

Another Thanksgiving is upon us and this year I give thanks to my loved ones for the continual support and unconditional love they provide. I especially want to acknowledge my two grandmothers, one of which has passed on but her memory holds strong and dear in my heart. This year I will be making her special parsnip dish which we all loved growing up. And to my Lolly who just had a mastectomy yesterday on her birthday. Lolly is a fire cracker with the courage of a lion. I am sending healing energy across the country from Terrace to St. Catharnines.

I would also like to remember little Padma Dechen in Leh Ladakh who has brought me more happiness and peace than she'll ever know. This will be the second year that I sponsor her education and this type of service to others provides so much fulfillment and nourishment for the soul. Padma has grown so much since the time I spent with her in summer 2006. I miss her dearly and know that I will be with her again in the near future.

Happy thanksgiving everyone.