Monday, January 19, 2015

Letting Go

My life in the fast-paced world of Toronto was all about working hard and playing hard and believe me I knew how to play hard.  I was involved in developing web sites and online media for huge corporations, climbing the ladder ... exhausted, cranky and stressed out.  I did however have an amazing group of girlfriends.  We loved our 'Girls Nights' cackling at shows like the Bachelor and we were always there to lend a listening ear.  Weekends consisted of socials, speakeasys, expensive dinners, clubs and people moving in and out of our sphere.  Often times the company we kept felt pretentious, false and scripted.  I heard far too often, "So what do you do?" as the second question in any conversation.  

I was always searching for something more and things finally started to come to a head.  My long-term relationship fell apart and even though things were going well in my career, I knew in my heart it was time for a major change.  But what?  One thing led to another and I decided to move out West to one of the most remote areas of Canada to live in the mountains and start fresh.  My friends and family thought I was insane.  What?!  Leave everything that you have worked so hard for ... your identity, your life you have built here!  I was just starting to make some great money.  I mean  what kind of opportunities would I ever find in a hick town?  I took the plunge anyway and ventured into the unknown in search of something more.  

And so the tales of a Yoga Cowgirl begins ...

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